King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The need for interim teachers in the university colleges.


The King Khalid University (KKU) is announcing the need to sign temporary contracts with teachers who hold master and doctorate degrees. Also are some specializations that can be filled with a Bachelor degree holders, for the first semester of the academic year 1437 / 1438 AH. This assigning is according to the system of cooperation with Saudi Arabia competencies other than the university employees (hour payment) in the following specializations :Chemistry and Physics lab assistance, Computer, English, Readings and Islamic Studies, Arabic language and criticism, Chemistry, Physics, Law, Administration, Accounting and Mathematics.

You can apply according to following conditions:

The conditions:

  • The applicant must be Saudi.
  • The applicant must hold a doctorate degree or master degree or bachelor degree for some specializations.
  • The priority will be to the holders of the doctorate degrees, then to those with master degree and finally to those with bachelor degree.
  • The GPA should be very good or above.
  • The applicant's certificate should be from a Saudi university or any university approved by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education.
  • The last scientific degree of the applicant must not pass five years from date of this announcement.
  • The applicant must have the ability to deal with educational electronic systems.
  • The applicant must not hold any other positions (jobs) with the exception of some health disciplines and doctoral degree holders.
  • The applicant must obtain 400 in TOELF Test or its equivalent in ILETS or STEP tests.

Note that this contract will be quarterly. It is not considered a guaranteed job or a promise of employment. The cooperator does not have the right to demand employment from King Khalid University or any of its branches.

Anyone who finds the ability in teaching and achieved the conditions mentioned above can apply through this link starting from 28 / 11/ 1437 AH, (Wednesday 08:00 am) and lasts up to 12 / 12/ 1437 AH (Tuesday) by 2:00 pm. Any applications that do not meet the conditions above will not be looked at and will be canceled. In the case of admission, the applicant must bring official approval from his / her work place.

Wishing success for all.