King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Names of employees who are expecting promotion.


Names of employees (Male and female) who are expecting promotion until 30/05/1437 AH.

Due to the start of preparation for promotion exercises, we enclose herewith the names of males and females candidates (employees). Candidates must bring the following documents:

  1. A copy of the ID card or family card.
  2. A copy of the last academic qualification obtained by the candidate.
  3. A copy of the academic record for those who have more than thirty hours of study.
  4. A copy of the job performance evaluation of the last two years, that is 1435 and 1436 AH.
  5. A copy of any six months training course attended in the last four years, including the courses attended from the Public Administration Institute during the current job of the candidate.
  6. Filling in the attached commitment, plus the attached promotion forms.

Applications should be sent to the Deanship of Teaching Staff and Employees - Personnel Management - Promotions Department.

The deadline for receiving applications will be on 24/03/1436 AH. The department will not consider any request after this date.

To view the names of the candidates (click here)

To download the promotion form (click here)

To download the commitment form (click here)