King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Internal Change Period in the academic year 1437 AH


Announcement of

Internal Change Period for (male / female students)

in the 2nd Semester of the academic year 1436/1437 AH.

Internal Change for (male / female students):

The Deanship of Admission and Registration of King Khalid University (KKU),is announcing the Internal Change Period for the second semester of the academic year 1436/1437 AH, which will start - God Willing - on Sunday 30/3/1437 AH, and will last on Wednesday 3/4/1437 AH.

Mechanism of Internal Change:

The student must apply for the change through a request on the website of the Deanship (Academia) in the following link Then, the student must follow-up the request electronically through:

The Deanship website

Or through Code.

The Internal Change includes the following:

Firstly, Changing the type of study; (Changing from regular to affiliation or vice versa). This is only for female students. The female student has to request for the change by applying through e-portal according to the following regulations:

Type of study

Required GPA

Conditions and regulations

from regular to affiliation

3 and above / 5

Finish more than two semesters and less than six semesters.

from affiliation to regular

It is not a requirement

There is a time limit for the change and it is the same as the withdrawing period.

Secondly, Change of degree; and this includes the following (Changing from diploma to BA or vice versa). The student has to request for the change by applying through e-portal according to the following regulations:


Required GPA

Conditions and regulations

from diploma to BA

4 and above / 5

Finish more than four semesters.

from BA to diploma

It is not a requirement

For all students either regular or failed

Thirdly, Changing the specialization.

Changing of specialization from one BA to another BA specialization or from Diploma to other diploma specialization.

The student has to request for the change by applying through e-portal.

Note that: the differentiation between students will be treated according to the Internal Change's conditions.

General Conditions for Internal Change :

  • Changing is only once between colleges and twice between college's departments.
  • All the applications will be treated according to the capacity of the college and students' GPA.
  • The student must finish more than two semesters and less than four semesters.
  • The total adherence to the time and the place of the change system in the University and follow up the request.
  • The student must pass any test that the college or department requires (if there is any).
  • The admission will depend on the availability of space in each department.

Caution: the deanship advices the students who want to apply for the change to choose their three selections carefully and accurately, because only the electronically requests will be taken into consideration and no requests will be accepted later.

The Deanship of Registration and Admission will announce any updates about Internal Change, and hopes success for everyone.

To contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration (Documentation Department):

Male students' affairs: 017 241 9069 or 017 241 8095 or 017 241 7583

Female students' affairs: 017 241 4793 or 017 241 4791

Twitter: @regandadmkku
