King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


External Change Period in the academic year 1437 AH


Announcement of

External Change Period for (male / female students)

in the 2nd Semester of the academic year 1437 AH.

External Change for (male / female students):

The Deanship of Admission and Registration is announcing the External Change Period for the second semester of the academic year 1436/1437 AH, which will start - God Willing - through KKU portal, on Wednesday 26/3/1437 AH, and will last on Tuesday 2/4/1437 AH. Note that: the external change will be handled electronically and there will be no need for bringing any document or paper to the deanship. Based on that, a student does not have to come to the deanship. The means of communication with the student is either the mobile phone or the Deanship website.

Mechanism of External Change:

  • The student must apply for the change through a request on the website of the Deanship (Academia) in the following link Then, the student fills the request form, by entering the data as required, and as described in the website.
  • The student must upload the required documents in (PDF) format and then save the request.
  • The student must follow-up the request electronically through the Deanship website in order to know if his / her request is approved or not.

General Conditions for External Change:

1 - The student must be a Saudi, or from a Saudi Mother, and is registered in Saudi governmental University.

2 - The student must finish the preparation year (if there is) and choose a specialization.

3 - All the requests will be studied according to the capacity of the specialization or department. The differentiation between students is according to their Grade Point Average (GPA).

4 - The student must finish more than two semesters and less than four semesters.

5 - The total commitment to the time and the place of the change period in the University and follow-up the request.

6 - The student must pass any test that the college or department may require (if there is).

7 - Total commitment to the minimum rate of external change which requires not less than the lowest rate for the Internal Change.

8 - In the case of accepting the student as a special case (according to the relevant regulations of the Committee), the Commission determines degree, the college and specialization, and the type of study, as it deems appropriate to the student's situation.

9 - The admission will depend on the availability of each department, college or specialization. The differentiation between students is according to their GPA

(Any wrong information given by the student will render his / her request for the change null and void, and thus cancels the change process) .

The required Documents:

  • A certified change form from student's original Admission and Registration Deanship.
  • Academic record (original and certified copy).
  • A copy of the secondary school certificate.
  • A copy of the personal identity.

The Deanship of Registration and Admission will announce any updates about External Change, and wishes success for everyone.

You can contact KKU Deanship via :

  • The official social media pages @regandadmkku
  • Telephone number: (Male students / 0712417956) (Female students / 0172414795)