King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The candidates for differentiation upgrade until 30/11/1436 AH.


Names of Employees who are nominated to get differentiation upgrade until 11/30/1436 AH

Due to the start in the preparation of the upgrade report, herewith the candidates' names, the candidates are required to bring the following documents:

- A copy of the national identity (ID) or the family card of the candidate.

- A copy of the last certificate the candidate has obtained.

- A copy of the academic record for those who have passed more than thirty hours of study.

- A copy of the candidate's work performance evaluation in the last two years 1434 AH / 1435 AH.

- A copy of any training courses held for more than six months and have been obtained over the last four years. Unlike the courses from the Public Administration Institute, these should not be attached.

- Filling in the commitment and the attached form of the upgrade.

- Applications should be sent to the Deanship of Teaching Staff and Employees, Personnel Administration, upgrade department.

The deadline for receiving applications is on 15/9/1436 AH. Note that any request after this date will not be considered.

Upgrade Candidates' names

Upgrade Commitment

Upgrade Card