King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Start receiving applications for Supplementary Bachelor


Starting applying to the supplementary Bachelor for the alumni and alumnae of Community Colleges

The Admission and Registration Deanship has announced the commencement of the admission to the supplementary Bachelor for the alumni and alumnae who have parallel specializations in the community colleges of King Khalid University (KKU). The exercise is starting from Sunday, 24/10/1436 AH to Wednesday, 27/10/1436 AH according to the following terms:

1 - The applicant student's rate cannot be less than 3.7

2 - The student must be a graduate from the Community College of King Khalid University for a period not exceeding two years.

With respect to the mechanism of acceptance, an SMS will be sent to those who meet the above terms. Note that those who wish to complete the supplementary bachelor degree must send their approval via the e-mail that arrives within the SMS.