King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The deadline to receive abstracts of Grace Conservation Forum


The mid-Ramadan is the deadline to receive Forum abstracts of ' Grace Conservation is the Responsibility of All '

King Khalid University, represented in the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education organizes the Forum ' Grace Conservation is the Responsibility of All ' during the period (3 to 5 /3/1437 AH) (14 to 16 /12/2015 Ad). In addition to that, there will be accompanied exhibition presenting experiences of the forum participants. For that, the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education is offering open-invitation for the specialists, researchers and Learners to participate in the forum, which includes the following themes:

  • The concept of grace and religious vision to save it and use it rationally.
  • Good practices and successful experiences both locally and internationally in the field of grace conservation and invest the surplus food,
  • The negative effects of food waste and depletion of the environmental resources on the individual and society.
  • Behavioral and educational programs to promote grace conservation in community members.

The Dean of Community Service and Continuing Education Dr. Mubark Bin Saeed Hamdan explained that the participants will receive notice on acceptance of their works at the end of the next month of Shawwal.

He added the abstracts should be sent to the e-mail address ( or

It is worth to mention that the deanship sets the deadline for receiving the abstracts of scientific research and working papers on (15/9/1436 AH), submitted in Arabic.