King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The University suspends studies for the summer semester.


With regard to find solutions for the suspension of the regular summer semester studies, King Khalid University has decided the following:


  1. Provide an opportunity for students who are expected to graduate and who have 12 hours or less, and have registered for the summer semester, to use e-learning to all registered courses. This process will be worked out in cooperation between concerned colleges and Deanship of Admission and Registration and Deanship of e-learning.
  2. Provide an opportunity for students who wish to register courses in any other Saudi university by printing student visitor form from student site and then by going to the chosen university. Note that: the Deanship has coordinated with the majority of universities to receive the students who are expected to graduate according to the roll (list of names) that will be sent by Deanship Admission.


For other students, they have the option to print the visitor student form and then go to any university that offers the same courses, or they can take advantage of the general preparing courses Arab ( Arabic Language ) and Salm ( Islamic Studies ), which will be available in e-learning system.