King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Issuing of Diploma Graduation Certificates.


Firstly, The Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship at King Khalid University (KKU) is pleased to congratulate the male and female graduates in educational diploma programs, wishing them more success in the future.

Secondly, The Deanship is announcing that male graduates can collect their graduation certificates from the deanship main campus at Lasan, building N.O. 1

Thirdly, for female graduates, they can collect their graduation certificates from female headquarter of courses and programs , in Al Mansk Dist, near Al Shafi Mosque.

Fourthly, for other graduates from external campuses, they can collect their certificates from the same campus.

Note that, issuing diploma graduation certificates starts on Tuesday 8/8/1436 AH for all graduates.