King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Initial registration for summer semester.


Announcement on the beginning of initial registration for summer semester

The deanship of Admission and Registration is announcing the date for the initial registration for the summer semester which will start on Sunday 16/6/1436 AH and which will end on Thursday 20/6/1436 AH.

For King Khalid University ( KKU) students, they can check and register in the available courses through the electronic service academia.

But for students who are from other universities, their registration will start on Saturday 19/6/1436 AH up to Thursday 20/6/1436 AH.

However, all students can view and check the available courses from the admission and registration deanship website according to the following steps

(Academic System Portal / Academic / Available courses)

To visit the page please click here

Registration Steps:

First: How to register in KKU main campus:

  • Go to (Academia).
  • Choose addition and deletion.

Second: Registration steps for visitor students inside KKU campuses.

  • Firstly The student must make sure of the availability of the courses in the campus where he or she desires to register as a visitor student through academia .
  • After that, the student must choose the icon visitor student in other campus (summer semester , regular semester)
  • Then, the student must decide the campus where he or she desires to study in as a visitor student.
  • Next, the student must confirm this process by clicking on confirmation.
  • Finally, the student must print his or her timetable in the new campus through the electronic portal and show the Chosen college.

Third, Registration steps for visitor students from other universities to King Khalid University

  • Firstly, the student visits this link
  • Then, the student should choose the Deanship of Admission and Registration and click on it.
  • Next, the student must choose the icon visitor student from other university.
  • After that, the student must register in the courses which is approved by his or her university and which is available in King Khalid University.
  • Then, the student saves the request.
  • Finally, the student must download the approval letter with a copy of national identity in (PDF) format.

Note that, after registering in King Khalid University initially, the request will not be approved unless one has an approval letter from the student's university and a copy of the national ID. In case all conditions are fulfilled and there are available course in the applied sections, the student request will be approved and he or she will receive a text message including an academic number. The student can get his or her timetable through the electronic service academia without the need of visiting the deanship.