King Khalid University
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MyKKU Services


Academic vacancies for the academic year 1436-37 AH.


King Khalid University announces academic vacancies in the following colleges and specializations for the academic year 1435-1436 AH:

Name of the College




(Professor – Participant Prof – Assistant Prof)

Systems – Quran Readings - jurisprudence - the fundamentals of Islam - Sharia – Hadeeth and its Sciences - contemporary doctrines - religions


College of Financial and Administrative Sciences

(Professor – Participant Prof – Assistant Prof)

Funding - Marketing and E-Commerce - Business Administration - Production - Analysis - Statistics and prospects - Financial Accounting, Media and communication - Law - Administration Information Systems - Human Resource


College of Human Sciences

(Professor – Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Arabic Language and its Arts Section: Grammar - Philology – Literature and Criticism - Rhetoric –

- Linguistics and Lexicography.

Department of Media and Communication: Journalism and Electronic Journalism - Radio and Television - Public Relations - Marketing Communications.

Department of History: Ancient History - Islamic History - Modern History.

Department of Geography: Natural Geography - Economic Geography - Urban Planning – Environment - Population


College of Education

(Professor – Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Curriculum and Teaching Methods: Arabic Language – English Language - Art Education

Department of Psychology: Mental Health - Psychological Counseling - Educational Psychology - Developmental Psychology - Psychology Therapeutic - Measurement and Evaluation.

Department of Educational Technologies: Teaching Methods.

Department of Education: Educational Fundamentals - Administrative Education.

Department of Special Education: Mental Disability - Visual Impairment - Hearing Impairment - Learning Difficulties - Behavioral Disorders - Speech Disorders - Autism - Talent.


College of Languages and Translation

(Professor – Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

English Language (Literature - linguistics - Applied linguistics - Translation)

Male and Female

College of Sciences

(Professor – Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Maths (Algebra - Topology – Statistics - statistics and probability - Differential Geometry - application Geometry - the theory of graphics - Symbols Theory - Applied Mathematics - pure Maths – Figures Theory - analysis)
Physics: (Nuclear Physics - Solid State Physics, Laser Physics - Atomic Physics - Nanotechnology Physics - Theoretical Physics - Physics of Quantum

Biology: General Biology - (Entomology - Zoology [invertebrates] - Botany [plant classification] Botany [- physiology [animal] –

plant classification comparative anatomy - tissue and heredity – embryos – Animal Physiological – Environment

Chemistry Department: (Organic Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry - Physical Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry)

Male and Female

Name of the College



College of Engineering

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Mechanical Engineering: production and design Engineering - powers mechanical engineering - Engineering Materials - Cooling and Air Conditioning – Design and Control
Industrial Engineering: Industrial Engineering - Production Engineering
Electrical Engineering: Communications and electronics, powers and electric machines - computers
Civil Engineering: Architecture and Layout - Constructions

Chemical Engineering: Thermodynamics Engineering - chemical reactions (incentives) Engineering - Chemical Engineering

Electronic Engineering: Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering: Tightly Enclosed Systems – small processors - Network and Telecommunications Engineering - Microwave - aerials - digital signal processor


College of Computer Science (Professor – Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Computer Science: Computer Science - (Databases) –

(Multimedia) (Operating System)

(Artificial Intelligence) - (Software Engineering).

Information Systems: Computer Information Systems) –

(System Analysis and Design) – (Database Management System) – (Semantic Web) – (Linked Data) – (Web Science)

( Data Mining).

Computer Engineering : VLSI and Control System

(Computer Engineering) - Robotics .

Networking and Communication Engineering : Communication Network Engineering) – (Wireless Network Engineering) – (Network Programming) -

(Network Security and Administration).

Image processing.

Male and Female

Name of the College



College of Medical Sciences.

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Obstetrics and Gynecology - Pediatrics - Internal Medicine - Neurology - Surgery - Anatomy - Microbiology - physiology - tissue - Biochemistry - Diseases - Family and Community Medicine, abdominal, medical education
Microorganisms - Pathology - Anatomy of a nervous - tissue disease - Hematology - Medical Immunology - Medical Biochemistry – Clinical Biochemistry

Male and Female

College of Dentistry

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Oral Biology and Hustlogia - oral diseases diagnosis and radiation - Oral Butlogia and Hustlogia laboratories )
Teeth Reform (precautionary treatment - Teeth Roots Treatment)
Replacement [fixed and mobile fitting - oral health and teeth prevention – Mouth Rays and diagnosis - mouth, face and jaws Rays - children's teeth Reforming - Gum treatment - orthodontic)
Teeth Protection and Community Service - Research and Laboratories - vital teeth Materials - Medical and Dental Education

Male and Female

College of Pharmacy

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Pharmacists - Clinical Pharmacy - pharmacology - drugs - Pharmacy - Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Male and Female

College of Applied Medical Sciences

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.

Physics - General rays - Pathology - Microbiology - Bacteriology - Clinical Rays - physical radiation - Nuclear Medicine rays - Ray Technology - CT scan - X-ray - Ultrasonic - Physical Therapy - blood diseases - the skeletal and muscular System - Natural treatment of the nervous system - kinesiology and motor mechanics - magnetic resonance - surgeons - mother health after birth – children

Physical Therapy: bones – nerves - breathing - children – burns - geriatrics - women's health.

Radiological Sciences: X-ray diagnostic - Image processing - diagnostic radiology technology - trained Clinician – ultrasound x-ray technology

Basic Sciences: Occupational therapy bones - nerves Occupational therapy - Occupational therapy nerves - Occupational therapy nerves children – speech and hearing disorders – vital medical devices - Medical statistics – anatomy – physiology - pharmacology - pathology.

Male and Female

Name of the College



The Academic Center for Girls Study

( Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Nursing ( Nursing Basics - Internal and surgical Nursing - Maternal and Neonatal Nursing - Pediatric Nursing - Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing – Nursing Administration)


Science Departments of Female Colleges

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Maths: Fluid Mechanic - Fluid Dynamic - Mathematical Statistics – Topology - Applied Mathematics - Pure Mathematics - differential Engineering, differential equations - numerical analysis - complex analysis - Functional Analysis - Probability.

Chemistry (Organic Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry - Physical Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry)

Physics: linear optics - optical physics - nuclear physics - Solid State Physics, Laser Physics – Solid State Physics (materials science) – Theoretical plasma physics - Fluid mechanics and heat transfer – Theoretical physics – nuclear theoretical physics - physics Optics (theoretical) - physics theories (solids)

Biology: general biology – zoology – Botany – applied biology

Home Economics (Nutrition - Food Science - Fashion Design - Manufacturing - Clothing - ladies fabric – texture – general economy – art education – family matters management – management of accommodations and institutions )


Art Departments of Female Colleges

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Islamic Studies: Hadeeth and its Sciences - contemporary doctrines – Quran reciting interpretation of the Holy Quran and its sciences – Sunnah (practices and sayings of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him)

Arabic Language: Grammar - literature and criticism - linguistics - philology - rhetoric.

Business Administration - Accounting.

English Language: linguistics - applied – translation

History: Ancient History – Islamic History – Modern History – Meditative History

Psychology: Clinical Psychology

Kindergarten: planning children arts and programs – basic knowledge of children

Special education: learning disabilities - hearing disability - mental retardation - autism.

Geography: Geographic Information Systems - maps - physical - geography of nature


Scientific Colleges in Tuhamat Asser

(Professor –Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Maths: Algebra - Statistics - statistics and probability - Applied Mathematics - Pure Maths – Figures - analysis

Computer: computer science - Systems design and analysis - network engineering

English Language: linguistics - applied linguistics – translation

Business Administration: Accounting

Male and Female

Name of the College



Colleges of Arts in Tuhamat Asser

(Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Islamic Studies: Interpretation of the Quran – Hadeeth – Quran Readings - jurisprudence – fundamentals of jurisprudence

Arabic Language: Literature – Grammar – rhetoric and criticism

English Language: Translation – Applied Linguistics – English Literature

Business Administration: Economy - Finance and Investment - Marketing - Accounting.

Male and Female

Community Colleges for male

(Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Computer – Administration – Economy – English Language – Business Administration – Marketing – Quality management – Maths – Accounting - Financial Accounting – Accounting Information Systems.

Networking – Information System – Database – Computer maintenance – Computer programming - Information System – Computer Science.


Community Colleges for female

(Participant Prof. – Assistant Prof.)

Computer – Administration – Economy - English Language - Business Administration – Marketing – Quality management – Maths – Accounting - Financial Accounting - Accounting Information Systems

Computer programming: Networking – Information System – Database – Computer maintenance – Computer programming - Information System – Computer Science

Algebra - Differential Equations


General Conditions:

1 - The applicant must be a Saudi.

2 - All Applicants must have Doctorates Degree from a Saudi University or from another university which is recognized by Saudi Arabia to offer the applicant's field of specialization.

3 - The doctorate specialization must be related to the bachelor and master field of study (specialization).

4-The applicant must pass an interview.

Method of Application:

Those who meet the above conditions and desire to apply for ay of the positions stated above, should: Go to the King Khalid University portal ( and fill the Electronic Form. Electronic Applications are open from Tuesday 22\3\1436 AH to Monday 27/3/1435 AH.

You can fill the electronic form directly from this link (Click Here)