King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Announcement of 2nd change period (Internal-External)


The Deanship of Registration and Admission of King Khalid University (KKU) announced the period of External Change for the second semester of the academic year 1435/1436 AH, which will start - God Willing - through KKU portal, on Thursday 24/3/1436 AH and will end on Tuesday 29/3/1435 AH.

Mechanism of External and Internal Changes: -

The student must apply for the change request through External Request service on KKU website during the above mentioned period. The student must follow-up the request through KKU portal. After filling out, and printing the form of external change, the student must bring the required documents to the Deanship of Registration and Admission (Quraiqer Campus, Building D). Also, female students must fill out, print and bring the required documents to the Vice Presidency of Female Students' Affairs (Lasan Campus, formally, Teachers College).

Moreover, the Deanship of Registration and Admission also announced Internal Change Period for the second semester of the academic year 1435/1436 AH, which will start - God Willing - through KKU portal, on Wednesday 1/4/1436 AH, to end on Saturday 4/4/1436 AH.

Note that: this announcement includes only evening BA students.