King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Visitor Students Registration for the second semester


Important announcement for the Students ( males & females ) from King Khalid University KKU branches (campuses) and other Universities who wishing to register (as a visitor student) for the second semester 1435/1436 AH.

The Deanship of Registration and Admission at KKU is announcing that it will start receiving students applications who wish to register as internal visitor student (from campus to another campus or to register as external visitor student (from other universities) ), at King Khalid University for the second semester 1435/1436 AH according to the table below:-


Time of Registration




Registration of internal visor students (from campus to another campus)

Sunday 27/3/1436 AH

Thursday 9/4/1436 AH


Registration of external visitor students (from other universities

Sunday 27/3/1436 AH

Sunday 5/4/1436 AH


Registration of visitor students from KKU to Another universities

Thursday 24/3/1436 AH

Thursday 9/4/1436 AH

Registration will be automatically through ( Academic Portal ). Anyone who desires to register, must be obligate to the deadline according to the following steps:-

Firstly: the process of registering as a visitor student internally:

1-The student must make sure of availability of the courses of his / her choice in the university branch that he / she would like to join as a visitor student. This can be ascertained from the following link:- Academic Portal

2- After checking the availability of the courses, the student must enter the academic portal through this link Academic Portal

3- Following that, the student has to choose the branch that he / she would like to take his / her courses in.

4-Next, the student registers the courses that he / she wishes to study in the university branch or (campus). Noting that, registration will be according to the availability of the opened sections. Then, the student clicks on (save) icon

5 - After finishing the above registration process, the student file will be moved from previous branch (campus) to the new chosen one as visitor student.

6- Finally, the student must print his timetable in the new (branch) campus and give the chosen college a hard copy. Note That: the Lowest hours number for registration is (10) hours in the semester. Less than that, the system will not save the application.

Secondly: the process of registering as a visitor student externally from other universities:

1-The student from other university must enter the KKU Academic Portal , and go to the visitor student page.

2- After that, the student must upload a pdf File which includes the following: Student agreement letter to study the chosen available courses in KKU, ID copy, and a correct phone or mobile number to contact the student.

3- The registration of external visitor student will depend on the capacity and availability in KKU.

4- The applications will be approved after this date 5/4/1436 AH.

5- In case student get acceptance by KKU, he / she will be informed either via phone call or a text message includes his / her academic number. Then, he / she can print his / her timetable by logging in the Academic Portal using his / her new Academic number and ID number. Note that, the Deanship will not accept any manual requests or forms.

Thirdly, the process of registering KKU students as a visitor student in other universities:

1-The courses that the students choose to take in other university as a visitor student should be the same offered courses by KKU in terms of (course title – course No. - hours).

2-Log on to the academic portal and choose (Candidacy form for visitor students )

3-Choose (Add Candidacy form for visitor students )

4-Choose the name of the university.

5-Choose the courses that you wish to take.

6-Click on save icon.

7-After saving the process, the student should check the application with KKU college registrar and receive the automatic approval form of the chosen university. The Deanship wishes success for everyone.