King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Handling timetables via portal begins.


An announcement about the start to handle timetables via portal for the second semester 1435 - 1436 AH

This is an important announcement for all students of King Khalid University (regularity + enrollment + regularity of a second semester + supplementary bachelor) regarding the commencement of handling timetables via the portal in the second semester of the academic year 1435-1436 AH.

Admission and Registration Deanship of King Khalid University announced the launching of school schedules of the second semester of the academic year 1435 - 1436, and the beginning of handling timetables via portal. The following services are presented therein: omissions and additions, and modification according to regulations and capacity in the desired departments. The launch and handling will take effect on Sunday 27-3-1436 AH, to be completed on Thursday afternoon 9-4-1436 AH. The Deanship wishes all best of luck.

Date of Announcement: 9-3-1436 AH