King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


The Scientific Meeting for the students of the University.


Under the sponsorship of His Excellency the University President, Prof. Abdulrahman Hamad Aldawood, Student Affairs Deanship is organizing a Competitive Scientific Meeting for students in the university on Monday 04/05/1436 AH. This is in preparation for the university's participation in the 6th Scientific Conference, which is organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, taking place in Jeddah from 10 to 13 / 6 / 1436 AH

For more, please have a look on the attached files:

Competitive Scientific Meeting guide and participation terms.

Participant’s Form in research area.

Participant form in innovation area.

Participant Form in entrepreneurship area.

A statement of the Faculty’s arbitration Committee’s names.

Scientific research arbitration standards in research areas.