King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Medical City Logo


Medical City Council of the university approved the logo for the Medical City

Medical City Council of King Khalid University (KKU) has approved the logo for the Medical City during the council meeting which was held on 23/2/1436 AH. The meeting was chaired by the Council Chairman, King Khalid University President Prof. Abdulrahamn AlDawood.

Chief Executive officer (CEO) of the Medical City Dr. Abdullah Audh Al Rifidi explained that the committee which was formed to select the logo had received the high participation of 19 applicants from the employees of the university and the students. It is worth to note that, all the participating persons were presented to the council including the Committee's recommendation.

The selected logo was designed by Abdullah Abdulraman A Hamoudh; a student at the College of Financial and Administrative studies in KKU