King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Blood Donation; saves someone's life.


It is obvious for everyone what blood bank suffers from shortage and scarcity of blood supplies from donors, as well as the urgent need of blood by the sick and the injured.

It is against this background that King Khalid University (KKU), aware of its important role in serving members of the community, seeks to support humanitarian principles, and to help the sick. It also tries to contribute by giving support to blood banks, so as to help provide the required amount of blood to save the lives of patients in emergency situations; God forbid ….

For that reason, Volunteer Work Club @ KKU_Vol in KKU is announcing a project for blood donation named " Drops save life". This is taking place at the sideline of KKU Cultural Olympiad Exhibition under the auspices of Students Affairs Deanship.

The event of Blood Donation which is being held, started on Sunday 22/2/1436 AH, and will continue up to Tuesday 24/2/1436 AH. The venue for that is at KKU gym, and is going on simultaneously with the Cultural Olympiad.

For the sake of stimulating the university community to donate, any donor will be awarded 10 points to his college in the field of community service at the Cultural Olympiad competition between colleges. And above all, remember the reward from God Almighty for your donation. May God accept the good deed from everyone, ameen.