King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Announcement on Handling of Schedules.


Important announcement for all KKU students (regular+ affiliate + second period regular + supplementary BA program)

On the beginning of schedules' handling through e-portal for the first academic year (1435/1436 AH)

Deanship of Registration and Admission at King Khalid University (KKU) announces the beginning of schedules' handling for all KKU students (regular + affiliate + second period regular + supplementary BA program) in the beginning of academic year (1435/1436 AH). Students can handle their schedules through e-portal (they can add, delete and edit their courses and sections under the following conditions):

- There must be no conflict between the added courses.

- Students should pass any prerequisite courses for the course, they want to add.

- There must be capacity in the course sections that wished to be added.

Handling of schedules will start on Monday 29/10/1435 AH at 02:00 p.m. and it will continue until Saturday 04/11//1435 AH at 02:00 p.m.

Deanship of Registration and Admission wishes success for everyone.

Important announcement for all KKU students (regular + affiliate + second period regular + supplementary BA program)

On the beginning of schedules' handling through colleges' registrars for the beginning of academic year (1435/1436 AH)

Deanship of Registration and Admission of KKU announces that schedules' handling for all KKU students (regular + affiliate + second period regular + supplementary BA program) through colleges' registrars will be done according to the following table:

Students of the year 1431 AH and before

Sunday 05/11/1435 AH

Students of the year 1432 AH​

Tuesday 07/11/1435 AH

Students of the year 1433 AH​

Thursday 09/11/1435 AH

Students of the year 1434 AH​​

Sunday 12/11/1435 AH

Students of the year 1435 AH​

Tuesday 14/11/1435 AH

Note that: Handling of schedules through colleges' registrars will be dedicated only, for the those students who expect to graduate at the end of this semester and registered less than 12 study units.