King Khalid University


Registration Dates for the 3rd Semester of the Academic Year 1444AH


The Deanship of Admission and Registration announced the opening of the online portal (Academia) on the University's website for a number of academic movements, such as deletion, addition, visiting students services, as well as re-enrollment and postponement for students, for the third semester of the academic year 1444.

- Rajab 13-20, subject deletion and addition will be available.

- Rajab 13-27, the internal visiting student service will be available.

- Rajab 21-27, adjusting the students' academic schedules through “Tawasol” service will be available without referring to the college registrar.

- Sha'ban 14-20, the postponement and re-enrolment services will be available online.

- Rajab 13 - Sha'ban 20, the external visiting student's request will be available.

It is worth noting that the registration of the student's academic schedules for the third semester of 1444 will be self-registration by the student.

Full details can be viewed (here).