King Khalid University


Candidates to Enter the Self-Resource Jobs Test


King Khalid University announces, the names of candidates to enter the job tests for the positions of self-resources professions at the University Agency for Business and Knowledge Economy.

Tests date will be on Wednesday 16/06/1443 AH at nine o’clock in the morning in auditorium No. (5) in the university main campus -Greger.

Safety measures to be followed :

- Adhere to precautionary measures

- Arrive on time

- National identity with the Tawakkalna app

To view candidates names, please click on the job title

Software Analytics Specialist

financial specialist

Specialist Purchases

Head of accounts department

Planning budget accountant

Revenue collector

Technical Content Manager

Drone photographer and content creator

blocked jobs due to lack of matching applicants

- Head of Marketing Department

- Incubator manager

Systems analysis specialist

- Graphic designer