King Khalid University


Conditions and mechanism to request Candidacy form


Conditions of registering KKU student as a visitor student in other universities:

  • Student should have completed two semesters with their Academic GPA.
  • Student should have finished all the required courses for the course he wish to study.
  • Student should not take courses as a visitor student in other university for more than three semester.
  • The period of the semester should not be less than (8 weeks) According to regulations issued by the Council for Higher Education.

Mechanism of registering KKU student as a visitor student in other universities:

  • The courses that the students choose to take in other university as a visitor student should be the same offered courses by KKU in terms of (course title – course No. - hours).
  • Log on to the academic portal.
  • Choose ( Candidacy form for visitor students )
  • Choose ( Add Candidacy form for visitor students )
  • Choose the name of the university.
  • Choose the courses that you wish to take.
  • Click on save.
  • After saving the process, the student should check the application with KKU college registrar and receive the automatic approval form of the chosen university.