King Khalid University
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MyKKU Services


GAT and English tests new requirements for postgraduate programs


The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies announces new requirements in most of its Programs (high Diploma, MA and PhD). It requires achieving the score specified by each department in GAT as one of the basic admission requirements. It also required achieving the score specified by each Department in English teats in the following collages: Medicine, Applied Medical Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science, Sciences, Languages ​​and Translation, Business, and the College of Education PhD Programs. It stressed that English language test results by private or non-accredited institutes will not accepted. The Deanship urges those interested in admitting to its programs to take the required teats so they can apply immediately upon announcing them. The GAT test results would not be accepted after five years of taking the exam, and English test results (TOFEL and IELTS) would not be accepted after two years of taking them. As for Proficiency test results they would not be accepted after three years of taking the exam.

Wishing you all, all the best.