King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Processing the documents of the admitted in the Postgraduate (Unpaid) program


The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies at King Khalid University urges the admitted in the unpaid MA and PhD programs for the academic year 1442 AH, for matching their documents.

This procedure is for the admitted from other universities, as for KKU graduates their data are on the University Academic System, otherwise they will be noted.

The University ID numbers would be texted starting from Sunday 26/ 12/ 1441 AH. Then, students can then print the final admission notice from Academia without coming to the university.


Day and Date


Male Students

The University City in Quraiqer, building (D), main services hall, on the ground floor.


12/29/1441 AH


01/01 / 1442H

From 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.

Female Students

Academic complex for female students, in La’asan, admission hall


12/29/1441 AH


01/01 / 1442H

From 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.

For processing the documents please bring the admission notice, and the original documents of the following:

  1. The National ID.
  2. Graduation Certificate.
  3. Academic Registration.
  4. Recommendations.
  5. Educational Diplomas if required.
  6. English tests results if required.
  7. Published Research Statement for MA courses system program.
  8. Employer’s letter approving leave for studying.
  9. Profession statement from (Absher) for non-employees.

In case the applicant did not come for matching the documents at the specified dates their admission would be canceled, and another student from the waiting list would be admitted in their place.

For any enquiries, contact us through:

The Deanship’s What’s App: 0172418366

The email:

wishing you all the best