King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


2020 project to develop investment services (Collaborative Libraries and Stationery)


King Khalid University represented in the Agency of Business and Knowledge Economy (the General Administration of Investment), announces a general competition. It would be through the Ministry of Finance platform (Etimad), as a part of the 2020 project to develop investment services (Collaborative Libraries and Stationery). Companies and institutions wishing to enter this competition can apply via the platform according to the following:

Competition Name

Competition Type

Competition Number

Competition Reference Number

Competition Document Price

Competition Date

Final Date for Inquires

Final Date for Receiving Requests

Final Date for Processing Requests

The 2020 project to develop investment services (Collaborative Libraries and Stationery)

General Competition



1000 SR.

25/ 7/ 2020

04/ 12/ 1441

20/ 8/ 2020

01/ 10/ 1442

26/ 8/ 2020

07/ 01/ 1442


27/ 8/ 2020

08/ 01/ 1442
