King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Wage Personnel and On the Site Employee Promotion Opportunity


The Deanship of Human Resources, is delighted to announces the names of the candidates qualified for promotion from wage personnel and on site employees, stressing that the required promotion document are to be received before 08/30/1441 AH. The Deanship urges all candidates to complete the documents required through the university Enjaz system ,according to the attached statement, under the supervision of the director of the department.

The required documents :

- A valid copy of the driver's license, if any.

-A copy of the last obtained educational qualification received .

-A copy of the job performance evaluation letter for the year 2019.

Note : last date for receiving applications is Sunday 10/09/1441 AH, and no application will be considered after that.

- Qualified on site employees

-Qualified wage personnel employees