King Khalid University
MyKKU Services
MyKKU Services


Postgraduate program Admission Acceptance


The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies at King Khalid University, is delighted to announce the names of the candidates accepted in postgraduate programs for the academic year 1442Ah. In view of the current condition and inline with the Royal court decision regarding COVID19 and to ensure the safety of all members the deanship declines receiving any candidates at the main offices for document approval, adding that dates for document approval are to be announced on the university official media accounts in the near future.

The deanship will like to note that the Sunday 29-10-1441Ah is the last day to receive official work-approval permissions , study vacations and decisions via its electronic system , and in the case of not receiving the required documents the admission is dropped and admission is to pass to the waiting list. For inquiry on admission requirements “click here ‘

Good Luck