
Excellence in E-Learning benefits 1127 people The Collage of Science and Arts in Al-Majardah (the University Branch in Tuhamma) continued its initiative “Excellence in E-Learning” by organizing five workshops for faculty members. المزيد
The Collage of Science and Arts in Al-Majardah continues the “E-learning Excellence” initiative The Collage of Science and Arts at King Khalid University in Al-Majardah, continued working on the “E-learning Excellence” initiative which was recently launched. المزيد
e-Learning Workshops at the College of Arts and Science at Al Majardah Governorate The Female Section at the College of Arts and Science at King Khalid University - Al Majardah Governorate, recently launched the "Excellence in E-learning" initiative, with the aim of educating college faculty members and students on the importance and mechanisms of e-learning. المزيد
The University Science and Arts in Al- Majardah launches the distinguish e-learning Initiative King khaled university represented by college of science and art in almejardah, launched Distinguish in e-learning initiative, which aims to optimize the use of e-learning tools. المزيد