King Khalid University

343 scientific paper in Scientific Research Day at University

The President of King Khalid University Prof.

University trains staff

On behalf of King Khalid University President, Prof. Abdul Rahman Bin Hamad Al-Dawood, the University Vice-President Prof.

KKU implements mechanism and dates of Developed Admission

KKU implements mechanism and dates of Developed Admission for coming academic year

The Deanship of Admission and Registration at King Khalid University announced its admission plan via the Saudi Post

The beginning of Admission of parallel education programs 1435/1436 AH


The beginning of Admission of graduate programs at KKU for parallel education programs 1435/1436 AH (courses system)


10th Annual Sceitific Research Day

Under the auspices of

KKU President, Prof. Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al-Dawood,

the Deanship of Scientific Research is organizing

The Mechanism of registering external visitor students at KKU for the Summer Semester

Important Announcement for the Students ( males & females ) wishing to register (as a visitor student) at King Khalid University for the summer semester 1434/1435 AH

Deanship of Registration and Admission at KKU a

5th International Chemistry Conference at the University closes

11 experts from 28 countries attended

Admission and Registration Deanship launches automatic scheduling of final tests

The Admission and Registration Deanship launched a new service aimed at colleges and students (males and females) organizing a list of e-services provided by the Deanship, this semester.

Registration and confirmation instructions for Chemistry Conference for KKU employees

The organizing committee for 5th International Chemistry Conference announced Registration and Confirmation instructions for the 5th Chemistry Conference for KKU employees on the conferenc

Scientific Program for 5th International Chemistry Conference

The organizing committee for the 5th International Chemistry Conference announced the scientific program for the conference as well as instructions for participants with scientific papers (lecture-poster) on th
