The beginning of Admission of parallel education programs 1435/1436 AH


The beginning of Admission of graduate programs at KKU for parallel education programs 1435/1436 AH (courses system)


Graduate Studies Deanship at KKU announced the beginning of submission for graduate studies program (MA in Parallel Education system )for the academic year 1435-1436 AH (males and females). The applications will be received through KKU e-portal on this link  starting from Sunday 12/7/1435 AH to Saturday 18/7/1435 AH according to these conditions:


  1. Available Graduate Studies Programs (Arabic)
  2. Conditions of MA programs admission(Arabic)
  3. The most important information for submission through the e-portal (Arabic)
  4. Guide Book for Admission (Arabic)

We wish success for everyone. 
