وكيل الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية والأكاديمية

University Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs Inspects Academic Study Progress The Vice-Dean for Educational and Academic Affairs at King Khalid University, Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajem, visited several  university المزيد
University Vice President for Educational Affairs Launches Computing & Informatics Scientific Forum King Khalid University Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajem, attended the launch of the Scientific Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Computing and Informatics المزيد
University Vice President for Educational Affairs Launches "Women in Data Science Forum" in its 3rd Cycle under the patronage of His Excellency King Khalid University President, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Rajaa Allah Al-Solami, the University Vice President for Educational and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajem, launched the " Women in Data Science Forum" المزيد
University Vice-President Attends the College of Nursing's Bridging Program Ceremony The King Khalid University Vice President for Education and Academic Affairs, Prof. Saad bin Muhammad bin Dajem, recently attended the College of Nursing "Bridging" program ceremony, which was held in the university city in Guraiger. المزيد