
Food and Environmental Security Workshop

The Ministry of Education's Agency for Research and Innovation is pleased to invite specialist researchers in food and environmental security to attend a virtual workshop entitled "Research and Innovation in the Field of Food and Environmental Sec

Project Management Development Workshop

The Projects Agency at King Khalid University, recently held a workshop on how to Prepare an Emergency CoVid 19 Hospital with 100 ICU Beds in a Period of One Month, targeting project managers in Asir region,  as directed by His

Community Service Deanship Workshops


Registration Dates for Workshops of Community Service Deanship


Postgraduate Female Workshop

The Deanship of Graduate Studies is organizing a training workshop for postgraduate female students at the university entitled "Scientific Message and the Research Project: From an Idea to a Discussion" at 9:30 am on T

Workshop for Graduate Students

The Deanship of Graduate Studies is organizing a training workshop entitled "Scientific Research and Research Project from an Idea to a Discussion" on Monday 17/6/1439AH, at 4 pm in Building 6, Guraiger Campus.

The University Continues to Hold Lectures and Workshops in Edinburgh

As part of a series of meetings and workshops conducted by King Khalid University in the United Kingdom, and within the framework of the first 'Tawasol' program with scholarship students, a number of lectures and workshops were launched in the cit

University holds workshops, training courses and hosts an array of celebrities.

Within the activities of the project of Tebian for the prevention of extremism,

9 training workshops within the university units strategic plan.

In collaboration with Meras Consulting Foundation, the Deanship of Admission and Registration has carried out, in parallel, 9 training workshops.

University "Media" to hold a training workshop.

The Department of Media and Community - female section -  yesterday held a training workshop on the program of "Movie Maker".
