King Khalid University


The Launch of the Sixth Olympiad

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Students Affairs, represented by the Office of Sports Activities, organized the 6th Olympiad, which will begin the 15th of this month at the main campus.

Vice Dean for Sports Activities, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Asiri, pointed out that the Olympiad will launch next Sunday and continues until the 7th of Rajab. The Olympiad will include a football tournament, swimming championships, a ping-pong tournament, a ping-pong tournament for people with disabilities, and an athletics championship for people with disabilities.

Vice Dean Asiri explained that organizing this Olympiad aims to enhance sporting events and competitions in accord with Vision 2030. This will benefit the community by increasing the number of students, citizens, and residents engaging in sporting events. This Olympiad will shed light on distinguished players who will join various university teams and will compete in national level Saudi Universities Sports Federation (SUSF) competitions.