King Khalid University


More Than 270 Programs and Social Events During the First Semester

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Students Affairs implemented more than 270 programs and events during the first semester through its Office of Cultural and Social Activities.

The office launched a number of events. Most notable, the welcome ceremony for new students, the 89th National Day, and the Sixth Cultural Olympiad. Of noteworthy mention, the Office of Cultural and Social Activities supervised 273 student club programs represented by 15 central clubs and 20 college clubs.

Vice Dean for Social and Cultural Activities, Dr. Yahya Qenaei, thanked His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy for his support and encouragement. He also thanked Vice Rector Du'ajim and Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Abdullah Al-Adheed, for their support and eagerness in holding various social and cultural programs that serve all students.