King Khalid University


Deanship of Graduate Studies Holds Workshop on Admissions

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Deanship of Graduate Studies conducted a workshop on policies and procedures for admissions into the various graduate programs. The workshop also included detailed information about the various degree programs and strategies for monitoring progress towards application and program acceptance.

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmad Al- Fayea, hosted the workshop and welcomed the various vice deans, department heads and administrative staff. He stressed the importance of communication between individual colleges and the Deanship of Graduate Studies in providing potential students with a clear pathway towards advanced educational opportunities. He also stressed that graduate admissions require strict adherence to prerequisites and application requirements.

Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, and his staff provided an overview of the admissions department and the relevant academic systems currently used at the university. The presenters reviewed the electronic admissions modules that help manage the process in 3 stages: Application review, automatic differentiation and ranking and admissions council review.

After the presentation, there was an open forum on admissions, and the attendees raised and discussed several issues and proposals.