King Khalid University


Abstracts for the Fourth Annual Scientific Forum at Tehama On-Going

King Khalid University - Media Center

The College of Science and Arts in Mohayil Asir announced that the 7th of Jumādā Al-Awwal is the deadline for submitting abstracts for the fourth annual Scientific Forum at Tehama to be held 12,13- 8-1441 AH; 5, 6- 4-2020 CE. King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, is sponsoring the program.

Dean of the Science and Arts College at Mohayil, Dr. Ibrahim Ali Algaid, chairs the forum. He explained that the forum focuses on many fields including: Technology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, information systems, computer science, and home economics, humanities, languages and business administration.

The guidelines for submission are as follows:

  • Papers must be unpublished, original works;
  • Research subjects must be within the forum subjects;
  • Abstracts are limited to 300 words;
  • Abstracts must be submitted on or before the deadline of 1-6-1441 AH, 26-1-2020 CE.

For more information, please see click here.