King Khalid University


University Rector Hosts Coding Club Inauguration and Visits Health Initiative

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, recently hosted the inauguration of the Student Affairs Central Coding Club, and participated in the health initiative "A Step Toward Health".

The Central Coding Club is supervised by the Deanship of Student Affairs, and its mission is to encourage and support student coding education and practical applications. Coding represents an important skill for the current and future job markets and is, therefore, a critical element of the nation's economic and scientific development plans as per Vision 2030. Also, coding is essential to King Khalid University's digital transformation plan and a required element of achieving top 200 universities status worldwide. The Coding Club is assembling three teams to participate in domestic and international coding competitions.

On the heels of the Coding Club ceremony, Rector Al-Solamy visited the health forum "A Step Towards Health". The purpose of this initiative is to encourage walking and raises public awareness about the health benefits of walking. The organizers briefed the many attendees about walking's role in reducing stress, physical fitness and fighting chronic diseases.