King Khalid University


The University Organizes the Second Conference of Mathematics and its Implications

King Khalid University-Media Center

King Khalid University represented by the Mathematics department in the Faculty of Science organized the second international mathematics and implications conference. A selection of specialists from all over the world participated in that Conference. The conference would be held on the twenty second and twenty third of Jummada II 1441_ seventeenth and eighteenth of February 2020.

The Dean of the Scientific Faculty Prof. Ali Al-shati expressed that this conference comes as an extinction to the first mathematics and implications international conference which was held last year. That conference shed light on the latest research in the field of mathematics. It also aims to encourage researchers and mathematic specialists faculty members to promote scientific research through meetings and exchanging ideas with other researchers. They would also benefit from the experience of prominent international scientists in identifying the priorities needed in conducting a scientific research. The president of the Scientific Committee of the Conference Dr. Ali Al-kaldi pointed that the Committee received a lot of participations that were judge and around 80 were accepted. The accepted ones vary from lectures and scientific posters. A workshop will be conducted for statistic specialists in collaboration with the Saudi Association Statistical Sciences.