King Khalid University


Department of Physics Ranks 4th Locally and 601 Globally

King Khalid University - Media Center

According to the 2020 Times Global Ranking of Academic and Research Institutions, King Khalid University's Department of Physics was ranked 4th at the domestic level and 601 internationally. The College of Science, represented by the Dean of the College and the Head of Physics Department, thanked Rector Al-Solamy for his continuous support to the college and the department.

Dean of the College of Science, Dr. Ali Al Shati, explained that international rankings are a reliable performance indicator of educational institutions, noting that the Physics Department is elated to celebrate this achievement. He further explained that the Department of Physics has engaged in numerous international collaborations and is a pioneer in the field of research.

Physics Department Head, Dr. Ali Al Shehri, explained that this ranking is the result of distinguished research groups and great efforts exerted by the department members. He further asserted that the department has over 40 years of experience in teaching and research since its establishment in 1397.