King Khalid University


King Khalid University and the Saudi Council of Engineers Discuss Future Collaborations

King Khalid University - Media Center

His Excellency, King Khalid University Rector Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, met with the Director of the Saudi Council of Engineers in Asir, Dr. Ali Khazim, at his office on Monday morning, where they discussed the possibility of future collaborations between the two parties.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy welcomed the members of the committee, stressing that King Khalid University is delighted with the opportunity to collaborate with the Saudi Council of Engineers.

During the meeting, the two parties discussed the areas of collaboration, which included a memorandum of understanding, in addition to holding training sessions and workshops, that serve the field of engineering, as well as taking part in projects directed by Governor of Asir, His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.