King Khalid University


iT Administration Holds a Number of Digital Transformation Workshops

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University's Information Technology Administration recently held a number of workshops and training programs tailored to iT Leadership and Digital Ambassadors from different departments of the university. The main purpose of this initiative was to enhance and stimulate the role of Digital Ambassadors in the digital transformation process. The workshops were held over two day period at the Administration Training Hall at main campus in Abha.

The first workshop entitled 'Leadership in the Digital Transformation Era' was delivered by Program Consultant, Dr. Adnan Albar. He introduced the concept of digital transformation and the most prominent challenges facing it. Dr. Albar encouraged the conferees to understand and implement the key takeaways learned and international best practices of the methods of development and mechanisms of digital transformation. Then, all Digital Ambassadors in attendance participated in several introductory workshops, which introduced the main forms of digital transformation used in the university in a series of workshops that introduced the university services as follows:

  • KKU MySite;
  • Scientific Journals;
  • Committees;
  • Mubashir;
  • Technical Support;
  • The Call Center.

On the importance of holding these workshops, CIO Dr. Mohammad Al-Saqir stressed that the university is witnessing rapid growth and development in all digital transactions. He added that the university aspires to achieve the highest standards in its digital transformation efforts to meet the objectives of Vision 2030.