King Khalid University


Advanced Scientific Achievement: Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Prof. Mohammed Saeed Al-Qahtani

King Khalid University-Media Center

Assistant Professor, Department of Radiological Sciences at the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Prof. Mohammed Saeed Al-Qahtani, developed a new technology in the diagnosis of cancer. The new technology has been recognized as an advanced scientific achievement by the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. Prof. Al-Qahtani credited the success of this technology to excellent teamwork with his research group at the University of Leicester. His team developed a mechanism that detects existing cancer tissue, which works by injecting the patient with materials linked to chemical vectors that facilitate the targeting of the affected tissue in the body without any harm to the other normal tissues.

Prof. Al-Qahtani explained that the latest technology for cancer treatment is based on converting the detected photons into acoustic signals to indicate the location of the cancerous tissue, pointing out that these techniques fail to provide an anatomical image of the tissue. It also requires a long period of training and experimentation for cancer surgeons. This is where he and his research team at the Biomedical Imaging Unit of the University of Leicester called for the development of a modern technique for accurate detection of cancer tissue during surgical operations. He also pointed out that the device tested is able to provide images of the cancer tissue merged with a moving optical image to determine the precise location.

Of noteworthy mention, the device is relatively compact and lightweight, boasting the possibility of dual imaging of gamma rays coupled with photography to enable the surgeon to remove the tumor, as well as its extension in normal tissues with high accuracy. This will reflect positively in the elevated chance of recovery, a reduction in the side effects of the diagnostic and therapeutic service, and the reduction of the time and effort of surgical work. This work has found great medical interest and research, which has allowed the researcher to publish and display the results of his research in a number of conferences around the world. Recently, Prof. Al-Qahtani was hosted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) where he elaborated about this great achievement