King Khalid University


Deanship of Graduate Studies Begins the New Academic Year With 3,100 Students and 56 Programs

King Khalid University - Media Center

More than 3,100 new students will join King Khalid University's graduate programs for the 1441 H academic year spanning 56 programs. Since the beginning of the semester, the Deanship of Graduate Studies has completed all of the necessary procedures related to student schedules and academic inquiries.

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Faie, explained that his team aims to provide world-class educational opportunities in the graduate programs. This is one of the university's educational initiatives that support the national development strategy. The Deanship continually seeks to expand and improve graduate program offerings to meet the demand for highly skilled professionals throughout the Kingdom. A number of new scientific disciplines have been introduced this year at the College of Applied Medical Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Computer Science. More programs have also been added in the fields of Sharia and Communications. The Deanship is working on accreditation processes and electronic platform transitions.