King Khalid University


Sharia Conference to be Held Next Rajab

King Khalid University -media center

The Department of Principles of Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion is organizing a conference on the purposes of Sharia entitled 'Between a Solid Foundation and the Variables of the Era' during the 15th - 17th of Rajab 1441 H.

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, explained that the conference falls under the university's purview of Religious Sciences, which includes the purposes of Islamic Sharia. He explained that King Khalid University has stated goals of contributing to the body of Islamic knowledge and the study of Islamic law. The university also contributes to Islamic transformation and Islam's place on the modern global stage.

Vice Rector of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, Prof. Saad Al-Amri, said that this conference is important for both individuals and communities to develop their understanding of Islamic Sharia in contemporary society. Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Fundamentals of Religion, Prof. Mohammad Dhafer Al-Shehri, said: "We hope that this conference provides balanced perspectives on current issues including: Purposes of Sharia Concepts, Origins and Evidence, Sharia in Society and the purposes of Sharia and Variables in Contemporary Schools."