King Khalid University


The University and Bin Dajjam Charity Foundation Sponsor 100 Scholarship Students to Perform Hajj

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University, represented by the General Administration of Scholarship Students, will provide 100 students from 30 countries the opportunity to perform Hajj in 2019. The caravan is sponsored by the Charity Fund for Scholarship Students with the support of the Bin Dajam Charitable Foundation.

On his part, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Dr. Saad Du'ajim, explained that the campaign comes within the charity's mission to support scholarship students under the supervision of King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy. General Administration of Scholarships Supervisor, Dr. Saeed Al-Shahrani, stressed that 100 students will realize their dream of completing Hajj due to the excellent partnership with the Bin Dajam Charitable Foundation.

The students participating thanked King Khalid University and the Bin Dajjam Charitable Foundation for their generous support.