King Khalid University


University Meets With the General Directorate of Civil Defense

King Khalid University - Media Center

Within the university's framework to activate partnerships with the armed forces to develop human capital and improving employee productivity, a delegation from King Khalid University visited the General Directorate of Civil Defense in Asir region. In attendance were Vice Rector for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, Dean of Community Service and Continuing Education, Dr. Omar Alwan Ageel, and Vice Dean of Community Service and Continuing Education, Dr. Yaseer Al-Mudath.

During the meeting, the delegation met with the Asir Region Director of the General Directorate of Civil Defense, Major General Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Qasi, and a number of civil defense employees. Of noteworthy mention, they discussed cooperation and partnership opportunities in the field of training, awareness and community service initiatives.