King Khalid University


42 Projects Presented at the 14th Annual Scientific Research Day of the Faculty of Humanities

King Khalid University - Media Center

The university recently hosted the 14th annual scientific research day. The Research Center of the Faculty of Humanities organized the event in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research. The purpose of research day is to give the faculty members the opportunity to present their latest research projects to the university community.

This year the faculty presented 42 research papers on a number of subjects including: Arabic Language, Literature, History, Geography, Media & Communication. The event was well attended with faculty, students and staff. The director of the research center, Dr. Said Al-Mousa, said that the university is continually expanding its research and development capabilities, and that these research events promote increased faculty participation and student interest. At the end of the program, the presenters were awarded certificates.

King Khalid University is committed to enhancing and expanding scientific research efforts throughout the university system. Advanced research is a vital element of the national development strategy, and a primary objective under Vision 2030. The Faculty of Humanities is continually increasing its research efforts to contribute towards the achievement of these goals. Dr. Al-Mousa thanked His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy for his continued support and patronage of the college's research programs.