King Khalid University


Senior Scholar and Member of the Council of Senior Scholars Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Al-Mutlaq Meets With Faculty Members

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Islamic Values Scholar Visitation Program is designed to educate and promote the faith to our youth and our educators. King Khalid University is in partnership with the General Secretariat of the Council of Senior Scientists under the supervision of the Intellectual Awareness Unit. As part of the program, His Excellency King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy, met with Royal Court Advisor and Senior Council Scholar, Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Al-Mutlaq, in a reception at the main campus. The purpose of the meeting was to review and explain the importance of knowledge and the legal approach to dealing with misconceptions and extremism.

At the beginning Deputy General Supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit, Dr. Misfer bin Ahmed Al-Wadai, introduced they keynote speaker Sheikh Al-Mutlaq. Sheikh Al-Mutlaq began his speech by thanking the rector, faculty members, staff, and attendees for their warm welcome and hospitality. He congratulated the university for its outstanding efforts in community service. Sheikh Al-Mutlaq then delivered a series of recommendations to the students urging them to always stay true to and conduct their lives in accordance with the highest standards of Islamic values. He also encouraged the students to be role models of Islam. This, he explained, will spread a positive image about Islam in their home countries as scholarship students return home and become ambassadors. Following the lecture, Sheikh Al-Mutlaq addressed a number of questions from the audience.

In recognition of Sheikh Al-Mutlaq's efforts and the wisdom he imparted to the university, Rector Al-Solamy presented him with a commemorative plaque thanking him for his dedication in maintaining and promoting ethics and classical Islamic values.