King Khalid University


King Khalid University Concludes the Third Annual Scientific Forum in Tehama

King Khalid University - Media Center

The Third Annual Scientific Forum at the King Khalid University branch in Tehama continued its second day of activities. Fifteen researchers from various fields and disciplines presented papers during six for forum sessions. The forums standing scientific committee made numerous recommendation based on the forum’s previous work and the papers presented. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rashid Salim announced those recommendations to the forum including:

  • Establish a scientific and literary research center in Tehama;
  • Establish a statistical analysis and operations research center in Tehama;
  • Publication of the forum’s research papers in scientific journals;
  • Embark upon research on sustainable development strategies in support of Vision 2030;
  • Promote development of water desalination systems;
  • Promote efforts to preserve ancient and modern Arabic literature;
  • Encourage the adherence to and spread of traditional religious and cultural values;
  • Promote the establishment of educational endowments;
  • Encouraging educational engagement in addressing societal issues;
  • Exploring ways to expand the forum.

In his closing speech, the director of the forum committee, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science Dr. Ibrahim Asiri thanked Rector Al-Solamy for his continued support and patronage of the forum. He also thanked the great the organizing committee, the members of the Scientific Committee and all of the participants.