King Khalid University


University Rector Sponsors the Opening of the Third Annual Scientific Forum in Tehama

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh Al-Solamy, sponsored the third annual scientific forum in Tehama. The College of Arts and Sciences in Tehama organized the forum titled 'The Role of Science in Development'. Branch General Supervisor Dr. Ahmed bin Atef Al Shehri and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Ibrahim Asiri co-hosted the event.

The forum began with a short film documenting the purposes of the forum and summarizing the progress made over the first three years of its existence. The forum participants presented a variety of research papers on the role of science in economic and societal development. The organizers divided the forum into 3 different sessions: Islamic Disciplines, Arabic Language and Mathematics.

His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy thanked the researchers for presenting their papers. He also announced that the university will be expanding the forum to include international participants who are experts in their respective scientific and academic fields. The Rector closed the first day of the forum after thanking the General Supervisor of the university branch in Tehama and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science in Mohayil. The participants adjourned, and the event reconvened the following day.