King Khalid University


Nearly 500 Citizens Benefit from the University Culture and Health Awareness Program in Bariq

King Khalid University - Media Center

King Khalid University continues with its community outreach initiatives in conducting a Culture and Health Awareness program in Bariq. The programs, which have been conducted over the last 6 weeks, included a variety of workshops and courses for the public. Nearly 500 people participated in the events of weeks 5 and 6.

Dr. Eman Al-Shehri began the activities with a lecture titled 'Diabetes and Prevention Methods'. She provided background on the symptoms, causes, and treatment. Dr. Al-Shehri also noted the different classifications of diabetes and prevention methods.

Dr. Ishraqa Mohammed conducted a workshop titled 'English Language Learning Methods'. Dr. Mohammed introduced the correct methods of learning English and the methods of acquiring language skills. She also elaborated on the importance of learning English at the primary and secondary school levels.

There were a number of other workshops spanning many fields on interest such as:

  • 'Communication Skills in the Work Environment' by Dr. Mamoon Badawi;
  • 'Research Skills' by Dr. Samya Al-Amjad;
  • 'Developing Administrative Skills' by Dr. Mohamed Al-Mazah;
  • 'The Health Impact of Oil' by Dr. Khuloud Ahmed;
  • 'Language Eloquence in the Holy Quran' by Dr. Sumaya Okasha;
  • 'Self Development' by Dr. Adeeb Abdulwahab.

The university plans to once again visit Bariq to continue its community service efforts and further serve the populace with valuable tools and information for daily life.